Class members enrolled in HMSV B302 will prepare an evaluation plan based on the ML2 Logic Model. This assignment should be completed individually. Class members are expected to make use of course materials, particularly items included in the Toolkit posted on the Blackboard course site.
The evaluation plan document should be a minimum of 6 pages, double-spaced, 12 point Times New Roman or Cambria font (tables and charts included in the document should be single-spaced). Use a standard 1 inch margin for the page layout, and APA (American Psychological Association) format for citations.
Required Plan Sections:
The evaluation plan document should address each of the sections described below.
Required Sections & Descriptions
Possible Points
Program Description:
Description of the ML2 Program
Discussion of evaluation purpose and identification of evaluation type
Discussion of ethical considerations
Discussion of stakeholders
Evaluation Design:
Key evaluation question (3-5 questions; see Toolkit for format)
Evaluation data (must include qualitative and quantitative data)
Data collection methods (must include primary and secondary data; must include at least 1 survey with a minimum of 10 questions)
Data analysis
Limitations of evaluation design
Management and Monitoring:
Plan implementation timeline (see Toolkit for format)
Process for monitoring the evaluation plan implementation
Strategy for dissemination and use of evaluation findings
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