Respond to two students discussion post. Just type the paragraph under the discussion. It doesnt have to be in essay form.
Also, make sure that your response(s) are substantial and at least 100 words. In your responses, you must include connections to course learning objectives.
Discussion Post #1
Kent Breazeale
Crucibles of Leadership by Warren Thomas and Robert Bennis covers many examples of leaders dealing with adverse situations and how they overcame the situation becoming stronger leaders. I thought a good example was lawyer Vernon Jordan, who started out working for former Atlanta Mayor Robert F. Maddox. Maddox would often proclaim Vernon can read! as if the literacy of a young African-American were a source of wonderment (Bennis, Thomas, pg.4). At this Jordan could have been angry and let Maddox control the situation with his abuse. Using Kolbs model, at First Jordan may have been at the Acquisition phase, I would imagine he was at first angry, but through reflective observation pushed beyond anger. Jordan would then go to the specialization phase through reflection. Jordan stated when he looked at Maddox through the rearview mirror, Jordan did not see a powerful member of Georgias ruling class. He saw a desperate anachronism, a person who lashed out because he knew his time was up (Bennis, Thomas, pg. 4). Jordan did not let his time with Maddox define him but help push him to greater things. I doubt Jordan stayed with Maddox to the Integration phase, but this time obviously had influence and reflection for Jordan, as he named his memoir Vernon Can Read! A Memoir.
In the article (2002) Geeks and Geezers: How Era, Values, and Defining Moments Shape Leaders – How Tough Times Shape Good Leaders by Bennis and Thomas the article mentions Nelson Mandelas imprisonment in South Africa. In an interview with Oprah in 2001 Mandela said If I had not been in prison,” he told Oprah Winfrey in an interview in 2001, “I would not have been able to achieve the most difficult task in life, and that is changing yourself ( When first in prison he was understandably angry, but while moving on to the specialization phase realized he would need to make his identity to lead the end of apartheid South Africa. Mandela had years to work on this, reaching the integration phase. Bennis and Thomas state For Mandela, the crucible was both an external reality and something he created in the process of imbuing it with meaning (
John W. Gardner found his crucible in his Marine training for World War II, ironically the final exercise in boot camp for Marines is called the crucible. Often in the military people define a crucible as combat, or stressful schools such as Ranger school. Usually Recognition Primed Decision-Making is emphasized, making quick decisions under stress. It is another reflective model.
Discussion #2
Linda Coleman
David Kolbs phases are multi-faceted. His third stage of Development of Adaptation is integration. This stage includes interacting and transforming adaptation to new situations and new schools of thought. This structure of consciousness takes years, decades, and a lifetime to learn. The extension of the integration maturation links goals to life purpose. The adaptation occurs through the achievement of holistic development governed by a consciousness that is integrative in its structure (Kolb. 1984).
Lets take in to account Bennis and Thomas, Crucibles of leadership, leadership qualities with David Kolb’s reflective frameworks, there is a connection because, in both, a leader can be successful if he faces inspiring experiences. Kolb’s framework shows that a leader can be shaped if he engages in transformative learning experiences. Bennis and Thomas uses the metaphor of the crucible which is consistent for refining precious metals. Leadership crucibles require us to examine our principles and values, question our assumptions and hone our judgment.
Learning as a leader requires focus and initiating steps to achieve new outcomes. Kolb has the adaptation and structure of integration of new schools of thought with the world. Leaders learn how to lead from the transformative experience and develops strategies that enable them to navigate challenging situations. Bennis and Thomas discussed the adaptive capacity which is the perseverance and the opportunity to develop leaders by integrating their life and work experiences, especially those experiences called crucibles.
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